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Photography Concentrate Courses: Are They Still Worth It in 2022? (Review)

Photography Concentrate Review: Top 5 Beginner's Courses in 2022

In this Photography Concentrate review we talk about their best courses for newbies.

Learning should be fun, easy, and accessible. Given the technological advancements we are enjoying, there’s no excuse for you to not learn new stuff or study about the things you love – photography, at that.

Today, there is no need for you to go to a prestigious school and finish a degree in this field. If you love taking photos, you can either teach yourself or take lessons online.

Though formal education has its advantages, there’s no written rule that you can’t be a photographer without a diploma. 

Photography Concentrate is just one of the many online educational platforms offering quality and affordable training. It is a simple site that started out as a small blog and later on evolved to a much wider e-library for those who want to learn the craft. While they have limited courses available, there’s enough for everyone to learn. 

In today’s review, you will:

  • get to know the founders of the blog
  • be aware of the various courses offered
  • realize if this site’s for you or not

…and so much more. 

Without further ado, let’s begin!

Photography Concentrate: Summary

  • Company Name: Photography Concentrate
  • Founders: Rob and Lauren Lim
  • Best For: All photographers
  • Price: $67-$97
  • Money-back Guarantee: 30 days
  • Recommended: Yes
  • Rating: 90/100

Over the years, e-learning platforms emerged like mushrooms in the park. Every now and then, you see some ads about a certain website offering courses and resources in exchange for a price.

It’s impossible to try each and every one of these sites, so reading reviews and doing research is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Before you even think of enrolling in an online class, make sure you know what you are getting into to avoid scams or any frustrations later. 

In this Photography Concentrate review, I will be sharing with you some facts about the site and what to expect when buying their materials. You will have a preview of some of the best lessons they have for beginners.

[SPOILER ALERT!] It’s actually a good place to start your journey as a photographer.

==> Check our their entire list with current prices.

About the Founders

Before we dive into the details, it would be fun to know more about how the site started and who are the people behind this platform.

It all began when Lauren and Rob decided to launch PC way back in 2010. Actually, the blog had a humble beginning but quickly picked up its pace and become one of the go-to online learning platforms in a short time. 

Lauren and Rob are both photographers, and professional educators as well. They are well-versed in this field, with over 20 years of experience in total. 

In addition to solid experience, they are both known for their beginner-friendly approach to teaching the lessons. This has gained them a lot of loyal students since 2010. 

Top 5 Photography Concentrate Courses

Right now, there are only about 12 to 14 active tutorials available on this e-hub. Among these, 5 are focused on beginners and these are the courses I’m about to share with you today. 

Let’s begin, shall we?

  • Course 1: Extremely Essential Camera Skills

Let’s face it…

Having the most expensive or the newest camera model doesn’t automatically make you a pro. In fact, you might end up getting frustrated at the output if you don’t know how to maximize your gear at its full potential.

In this training, Lauren explains the various buttons, settings, and all the fundamental stuff you need to know about your camera to get the ultimate professional-looking photos you’ve always expected. 

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to recreate those social-media-worthy images you see from your favorite influencers. Through this, you will also learn how to create tack sharp pictures or those photos with soft-dreamy blur.

==> Click here to learn more.

  • Course 2: Super Photo Editing

Photography isn’t only about taking good shots. It also means you need to have equally amazing editing skills to ensure that your artwork is a polished as it can be. 

True, there are images that are best served unedited. But most times, you will need to retouch or apply some finishing touches to your captures to make them even more appealing and pro-grade.

Here, Rob stresses the importance of knowing how to properly tone your shots and how you can make them look the best. He is using Adobe Lightroom in editing. Through this, you will be able to learn how to navigate through the software. 

At the end of the course, you will be able to efficiently do your own post-processing in no time. With constant practice and exploration, you will definitely master the editing process.

==> Click here to learn more.

  • Course 3: Incredibly Important Composition Skills

Composition is one of the most important things you should focus on as a photographer. If you compose your photos right, you’ve done half the job already, trust me!

It takes time, effort, and dedication before you can master this. Even professionals sometimes find it hard to properly compose some photos. But, it is not totally impossible. Once you get the hang of it, this aspect will be as easy as A-B-C.

Here, you will learn how composition affects an image, how to properly compose your shots, and what techniques are necessary to make your images pop. Lauren will teach you how to learn the patterns of photography and how to use them to your advantage.

At the end of the lesson, you will certainly improve the way you plan your pictures that will make them look as amazing as they can be. 

==> Click here to learn more.

  • Course 4: Fundamental Light Skills

Another important factor that affects the quality of your shots is the lighting. Proper use of light can turn mundane sceneries into mesmerizing ones. 

In this course, you will learn and understand how light affects not only your subject but the entire frame as well. Internalizing the concept of light will let you think of more creative ways to shoot your photos. 

It’s about time you turn those boring images into captivating ones!

==> Click here to learn more.

  • Course 5: How to Shoot Awesome Videos

If you think photography is all about taking shots, then you thought wrong. It also includes making videos and that’s not every photographer’s cup of tea, I know. 

But through this training, you will realize that videography is fun as well.  Since most cameras have hybrid capabilities, it wouldn’t be so bad to learn a thing or two about video shooting, eh?

You can use this to your advantage and you can even become a hybrid photographer if you want to. Lauren will guide you on how to properly shoot fun and creative motion pictures so that you can enjoy this craft more. 

==> Click here to learn more.

Who Is It Best For?

Photography concentrate is best for beginners who are looking out for easy ways on how to learn the subject. Though it has several other courses for pros and experts, the site focuses on helping amateurs get on their feet.

This site is for those of you who are eager to learn on your own and at your own pace. The materials are downloadable, so you have full control over when to study them and when to put them into practice. 

Is Photography Concentrate Worth It?

There are hundreds, even thousands, of sites offering similar courses to the ones you can find here at PC. So, what sets them apart, and what makes them a worthy option? Here’s why:

  • Beginner-friendly approach
  • Direct to the point teaching
  • Downloadable materials
  • Lifetime access to downloaded resources
  • Study at your own pace

Well, the truth is, whether this site is worthy or not depends on your preference. If you want a more relaxed study pattern, then this might just be the right platform for you.

But if you are looking for diverse content, then there are other sites like Udemy, CreativeLive, Skillshare, and many others you might want to consider. 

Photography Concentrate Reviews: Thoughts?

It’s tough to study photography on your own, without a professional personally guiding you along the way. There will be a lot of distractions and temptations, and it will always be a battle between you and yourself. 

But, if you are dedicated to acquiring new skills and knowledge, Photography Concentrate is a good place to start really getting serious as an aspiring photographer. 

Now, I’d like to hear from YOU:

  • Have you tried buying other courses from this site?
  • What do you think of Rob and Lauren photography (skills and lessons)?
  • What other platforms have you tried enrolling in? 

Share your thoughts in the comments section below! 

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