Category: For Beginners

What Is GuruShots? Is It Worth It? Your 13 Burning Questions (Answered!)

Look: If you’re looking for a photography-specific platform, then you may look into GuruShots – a fun game with daily challenges and rewards for photographers. It is a worldwide photo contest, and it’s an interesting way to challenge yourself, to step up your photography game, get exposure, and meet like-minded folks in this community. Now…

Photography Terms List: 25 Photography Words for Beginners to Learn About

We’ve all been there. The challenge of not knowing basic photography words and what they mean. That’s why I’ve created this photography terms list for beginners. Now… While it’s challenging to provide an exhaustive list in one post, I can offer you a comprehensive glossary of essential terms in digital photography. First, let’s start with

Advanced Selfie University: Is Sorelle Amore’s Course Worth It? (Honest Review)

I’ll be honest: I’m a HUGE fan of Sorelle Amore. I appreciate her strong values, her experience in both photography and online business world, and her passion for helping people master independent income and gain more freedom in life. In this particular post though, we’ll talk about Advanced Selfie University review 2024. I have been

5 Best Mirrorless Cameras for Beginners (Under $500 and Under $1000)

Look: Smartphone cameras are amazing, but they still have a long way to go to achieve the top quality level. (Especially for specific genres, like portrait photography.) In the past we’ve created a buying guide on amateur cameras, mostly consisting of DSLRs, but in 2024, mirrorless offer more functionality and better image and video quality

Expert Photography Course Reviews: Master Photography, Editing, and Marketing!

Welcome to my reviews! Look: Joshua Dunlop’s Expert Photography website is a pretty popular resource on the Internet. I’ve had a chance to review his courses and I’m ready to share my opinion (with further updates as I go through all of them). We’ll talk about Expert Photography founder/team, whether you should invest in their

Does a Camera Lens Protector Affect Picture Quality? Are They Worth It? [Answered]

Look: A lens protector fits snugly on top of your camera glass to add a protective barrier between the delicate glass and the outside world. Photographers use them to extend the life of their camera lenses. But when used incorrectly, they can impact picture quality.  While these little accessories are designed to protect and enhance