Category: For Beginners

iPhone Landscape Mastery: Turn Your Scenic Shots into Masterpieces! (Review)

Welcome to my review on the iPhone Landscape Mastery online course! Let’s face it: Landscape photography can be an incredibly rewarding hobby. With so many online resources available, you can easily learn how you can tap into the power of your phone’s camera to get great scenic photos without having a large investment in equipment

Milky Way Mastery Course: Photograph the Celestial Events Like a Pro! (Review)

Look: The Milky Way is one of the most beautiful sightings in nature and it’s not surprising that it’s a popular subject among photographers who want to create those amazing, dream-like photos.  (In fact, many professionals travel to remote locations, like mountains or deserts, just to capture a single shot of this celestial wonder.) However,

What is Therapeutic Photography? Is Photography Good for Mental Health?

Therapeutic photography and mental health: What are the benefits of photography and can it help with stress, anxiety and depression? Let’s face it: These days, more and more people are suffering from mental illnesses due to stress, anxiety and many other contributing factors. While this has become a normal scenario in most countries, it is

SLR Lounge Review: Is SLR Lounge Premium Membership Worth It? (Revealed!)

Welcome to my review of SLR Lounge Premium photography platform! Truth is: You should never stop learning if you want to become the best photographer that you can be. In fact, even professionals take a couple of refresher and new lessons. This will greatly help you improve in every aspect such as knowledge, skills and