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Milky Way Mastery Course: Photograph the Celestial Events Like a Pro! (Review)

Milky Way Mastery Course Review


The Milky Way is one of the most beautiful sightings in nature and it’s not surprising that it’s a popular subject among photographers who want to create those amazing, dream-like photos. 

(In fact, many professionals travel to remote locations, like mountains or deserts, just to capture a single shot of this celestial wonder.)

However, shooting the galaxy can be tricky if you don’t know how to do it right.

So in this review of Milky Way Mastery by Expert Photography, we’ll talk about the course and see how it can help you get that perfectly composed shot of the beautiful night sky.

Before we begin, check out this quick summary:

Milky Way Mastery Course Review (Summary)

  • Experts: Josh Dunlop & Casey Kiernan
  • Course Name: Milky Way Mastery
  • Product Type: Astrophotography
  • Best For: Beginner photographers
  • Price: $297
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 90 days
  • Recommended: Yes
  • Discounts? Yes! ==> Grab it here.

Truth is:

Most people think that capturing wonderful night photos means using the top-of-the-line camera, the best accessories, and the most expensive set of tools.

However, in this course, Josh will prove you wrong.

EP’s founder thought he already knew much about this genre. But after having met Casey Kiernan (one of the masters of astrophotography) at a workshop, he learned a lot of new things.

Hence, this collaboration was made possible.

Through this Expert Photography Milky Way Mastery course, you will be able to realize what Josh understood when he attended the in-person training.

Among the things you’ll learn is that you can photograph the night sky beauty even by using beginner’s gear. Even with a non-expensive camera that you have right now, you can take great pictures as long as you:

  • find the best spot with as little light pollution as possible,
  • know when should you photograph the Milky Way,
  • use the right settings, and,
  • take advantage of some simple techniques.

As both experts say, it’s not about the camera or accessories; it’s how you do it.

(Also, I don’t think there are many training tutorials that cover this specialized genre, so this duo and the online training stands out in this sense too.)

==> Click here to get a discount.

A Quick Background About Your Instructors

Let’s talk about Joshua Dunlop first.

He is the founder of Expert Photography, one of the leading online platforms with so many resources about this niche.

He has been in the industry for a long time and has been an instructor for more than 6 years. Equipped with both passion and experience, he has gained the trust of over 90,ooo students worldwide.

Now, about Casey Kiernan…

He is a well-renowned astrophotographer.

He has been a recipient of numerous awards and his works have been published in major magazines. Some even appeared in major TV channels like Al Jazeera, CBS News, History Channel, just to name a few.

As Joshua said, Casey is the Michael Jordan of Milky Way Photography.

Kiernan specializes in shooting photos of the night sky, deserts, and is also known for his timelapse and 4k works. He has led many workshops, sharing his knowledge and expertise to all types of shooters – beginners, intermediate, and even those with advanced skills.

When these two great artists team up to create this program, you’ll learn what Milky Way photography is, what and how to do it the right way. You can certainly expect top quality info as you watch each video lesson.


What is the structure of the course?

What to Expect: The Outline

Have you wanted to take those magical shots of the stars, the moon, and the night sky in general?

Many of us fancy these images since they are truly magnificent and eye-catching. It’s not every day you get to witness these astronomical occurrences, so the desire to capture those in film is totally understandable.


If you tried taking out your DSLR or a smartphone to take a few shots, it’s likely that you couldn’t just capture it on cam as you see them with your eyes. And that can be totally frustrating.

So, in this training, you will learn cool tricks on how to let your gear see what your eyes are seeing, and get even better results than you’d expect.

Here’s what to expect once you’re inside MWM:

  • Lesson 1: Gear & Accessories

Knowing which gear to bring is one of the keys to getting that magazine-worthy night shot. In this module, your instructors will guide you on what type of accessories and tools you need to bring in order to be prepared for the session.

You might be shocked at how simple and far-fetched (from the shooting activity) the tools can be. These items may not be directly related to the photoshoot, but they will definitely be of great help for a more efficient session.

Also discussed here are some apps you will need in order to smoothly navigate your way through the spots where you can see the galaxy at its finest.

Lastly, the camera for shooting the celestial objects/phenomena and the kinds of lenses you need will also be discussed in detail.

  • Lesson 2: Understanding Your Subject

This is one of the most important parts of this training. Before you actually go out and head to your chosen location, you will need to know more about your subject – the Milky Way, the moon, and the north star.

In this part, you will learn where you can see such wonderful star clusters in your location, or in other places near you.

If you live in a highly urbanized city with tall buildings, chances are you will not be able to see those beautiful stars. You might need to travel to places that have less light pollution to actually get great photos.

Casey also discusses the importance of the north star in activities like this. By watching this video, you will learn that it has much significance not only to sailors but to artists as well.

  • Lesson 3: The Shoot

Here comes the most interesting part: the actual shoot!

In this module, you will learn about the settings to use for Milky Way photoshoot, how long the exposure should be, the 500 rule in astrophotography, and so much more.

  • Lesson 4: Post-Processing

In this lesson, when you finally took photos of celestial events, you will learn how to edit them. You will know how to apply Lightroom presets and how to retouch your images, so that they pop to catch the audience’s attention.

  • Lesson 5: Bonuses

There are bonus videos on light painting available in this module. You get to witness how it is done and what wonderful effects you can effortlessly achieve by using simple techniques.

  • Lesson 6: Cheatsheets!

Ha! You don’t have to miss out on any details when you have this cheatsheet. Everything you need to prepare is listed here, so you might want to download a copy and check it out before going to the location.

==> Click here for further details.

Is Milky Way Mastery Course Worth It?

I think it is.

If this is a genre you want to experiment on, or if you are a fan of the night scene, then Milky Way Mastery course by is definitely worth the investment.

(Truth is, there aren’t many training tutorials online that focus on this particular niche.)

You will learn so much from the two experts and it will make you appreciate astronomical events even more. Plus, the lessons are easy to follow and your instructors are very easy-going.

Not to mention, that you can get a huge discount that I share for my blog readers on DWB.

Other Expert Photography Courses

Besides the free resources, Expert Photography team also offers a few premium learning resources (courses and eBooks) that’ll help you step up your photography game.

Here’s a list of some other materials they currently have:

  • Macro Magic
  • Wow Factor Photography
  • Infinite Exposures
  • Simply Stunning Landscapes
  • Effortless Editing in Lightroom
  • Edible Images (E-book)
  • Organic Marketing (E-book)
  • Preset Collection

(Just to name a few.)

If you’d like to learn more, check out my review of Josh Dunlop courses here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can iPhone capture the evening sky?

iPhone cameras have become better throughout the years.

The specs are really high for a smartphone, and could easily match even the high-end compacts. It is equipped with different modes for various scenes you wish to capture.

So photographing in low light will not be a problem if you know how to use the settings properly. It is even better if you go manual when shooting these kinds of scenes for full control over the shot.

Q: How to photograph the evening skyline with my phone?

Actually, the steps are very similar to that of using a DSLR.

You just need to have a good location with less light pollution, get into the best position possible, take out your phone with high ISO capabilities, properly set your phone’s cam, then snap.

If, at first, you don’t succeed, just try again and after a few shots, there should be at least one that’s good enough.

By the way, check out my review on iPhone Photography Academy if shooting with a smartphone is something you’d like to learn about too.

Milky Way Mastery: Final Thoughts

This spiral galaxy is like a giant nebula that contains lots of stars, dust, and gas. The best time to photograph it is during the summer months when there are more hours of darkness.

Evening skies are some of the most beautiful natural phenomena that you can capture.

However, it is also quite difficult to do as an artist because of the various challenges involved in taking pictures in low-light conditions. If you want to learn how to do it the right way, then this is certainly for you.

If I’ll be honest, I think this is a really good program to easily learn how to shoot in the dark effectively and efficiently. Both Josh and Casey did great in explaining things in the simplest manner possible, that even total beginners will be able to follow without a problem.


What do you think of this Milky Way Mastery course review? Let us know!

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